Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Member Input...take two!

The following is taken from "An Introduction to Awareness" by James M. Corrigan

Excerpt from the chapter "Part One – Archaelogy":

"It is the one undeniable truth - we are present, as an awareness of that which we perceive, feel, or think."

Excepts from the chapter "Questioning Reality":

"... your perceptions have validity for you. This validity is the most important understanding that each of us has about our lives... it is self-assured. We know that we are real and our interactions with the world have taught us that it can cause effects that we experience personally ... we have experienced real interactions with the outside world - real because we directly experienced them ourselves - and those past interactions are now part of our selves - our memories, and our personal knowledge about the world and ourselves.

You also know that I am not some part of you; You know we are independent beings, and this knowledge has nothing to do with the validity of your experiences, it has to do with the form of the world. You are implicitly acting as if the form of the world is a certain way.

It seems to be the case that the first truth about the validity of our experiences is apodictic, while that of the form of the world is not."


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