Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Member Input...take three!

As promised, here are some links to the works of Zizek and Badiou on ethics which others might find interesting:

Zizek on the Ethics of Violence

Badiou on Evil

1 comment:

  1. I read a number of books by Zizek about 8 years ago. They were a wonderful introduction to Lacan and Hegel. The sublime object of ideology is great. Tarrying with the negative is the best and most challenging in my opinion. His move from Kant to Hegel to Lacan through pop culture is original. However, after a few reads the books all start sounding the same, leaving me without interest. Yes Zizek, everything really is Lacan and Lacan is really Hegel. I get your point. Must he play the same fucking tune over and over again? And why does he hide behind the names of others... anyone who spends time with Lacan's primary work at any depth recognizes that Zizek is doing Zizek moreso than Lacan.
